• Energy Therapy

    Sound Healing, Reiki,

    Integrated Energy Therapy, Chakra Balancing

    Energy therapies work with subtle energy fields to restore balance, flow and the natural resonance between the body, mind, and spirit for your greatest alignment with your authentic Self, health and wellbeing.

    Energy therapy gently clears blockages and stuck energy patterns that build up from trauma, toxins, chronic stress or tension, etc. as well as the beliefs that protected you at one time but now keep you from experiencing who you truly are so you can create and live a life of vibrant wellbeing!

    Sessions take place on a massage table with the client fully dressed - with or without physical touch.

    Benefits typically include but are not limited to deep relaxation, reduced pain, stress, anxiety and fatigue; enhanced emotional balance, mental clarity, physical health and connection to yourself as a spiritual being.

    Like any other therapy, it can take time and consistency to obtain effective, lasting results.

  • Meditation & Mindfulness

    There are many well documented mental & physical benefits of meditation & mindfulness. Any consistent practice fosters an intimate connection with and access to your inner universal presence or guidance and is a radical act of self-care.

    A daily meditation practice is where you learn to hear, to trust and believe in your own Devine inner wisdom, worth, and truth. It is where transformation, inspiration, creativity, and manifestation thrive !

    Meditation and mindfulness are about staying present, gaining awareness of what does not serve us and focusing on what does. It is where we learn that we are enough, where we can embrace our humanity and recognize the sacred within all beings. It is where we learn to honor all of our journey and gain compassion for ourselves and others.

    Meditation takes many forms. In a group setting there is an opportunity to build community.

  • Life Coaching

    The core of Olivia Van Wagner’s life coaching is based on the Law of Attraction as a spiritual practice. Learn to live from a vital connection with your Inner Being to be in the flow of your unique presence, satisfaction, ease, relief and joy!. When the physical aspect of your mind is aligned with the larger non-physical spiritual Truth of you, the wellbeing, clarity, purpose and life you desire can manifest. Combined with the research of Brenee Brown and energy therapies, your path clears and your dreams appear more clearly! You are able to surf the waves of life while also lining up with your intentions.

    Learn how to strengthen alignment within, listen to & learn from resistance or blockages, use emotions to guide you toward what it is that supports your unique presence in the world so that you can embody the the whole of your unlimited potential to move forward - ever changing and ever creating a fulfilling life experiences in which you thrive!

    Coaching is offered online